Tuesday 10 March 2009

Creating a Matriarchal or Femdom religion


Back in the 1980s the controversial archaeologist Marija Gimbutas tried to inform the public about the peaceful civilizations of the Neolithic age between 10,000 to 5,000 years ago. The controversy surrounding these very early civilizations was that archaeologists, in their excavations, couldn’t find any sign of warfare and violence and that they also worshiped Goddesses. It is also believed that these civilisations were Matriarchal.

Then about five thousand years ago, suddenly everything changed and archaeologists found in excavations, from that time onwards, strong evidence of warfare and violence in weapons of war, fortifications and carved images of extreme violence. Also the worship of Goddesses became far less and people instead worshiped violent warrior gods. From this evidence Marija Gimbutas put forward the theory that the last Matriarchal age came to an end, when brutal patriarchal tribes from the North conquered them.

The problem with this theory is that it doesn’t explain how and why these Northern tribes suddenly turned patriarchal at about 5,000 years ago. Or how was it that Women were able to keep their men under control in these peaceful Matriarchal civilizations for thousands of years. Nor does it give us much idea how we today can restore a peaceful Matriarchal civilization in our world today. Marija Gimbutas doesn’t claim that that the Neolithic civilizations were Matriarchal, but egalitarian, before they were violently conquered by patriarchal tribes. Now, she could be taking the Feminist line, or this, could be a vital clue in understanding why the last Matriarchal age came to an end.

Part One, how patriarchy was created

I have written before about why it would be better for us all, if Women should rule the world, but not too much about how women can achieve this. One way this can be done would be to create Matriarchal or Femdom religions, because as history shows us, religious rituals are very powerful ways to strongly influence people’s behaviour.

To understand how Women can reclaim their power and rule the world once again, we have to understand why it came about, that men ended up ruling the world. And to make sense of this, I want to go back to the first book in the Bible, Genesis, and its creation myth. For those who are not familiar with this story, it goes like this. –

A male god created the world in seven days and then created Adam, a man in his own image, but Adam felt alone on his world. (Presumably because, unlike a Woman, he was unable to reproduce himself). So this male god created a Woman called Eve and together they lived in a paradise called Eden. Then Eve was tempted by a serpent to eat the forbidden fruit, which god told them they must not eat. She does so and then persuaded Adam to do the same thing. God found out about this, and banished both of them from Eden into the wilderness and Eve was also punished by become a slave to men.

What many women do not like about this story is that Women, (Eve) is blamed for all our troubles, we have a similar theme in Ancient Greek myth of Pandora’s Jar or box. In the original version of this story Pandora poured out all the blessing for humankind from her ‘jar’, (which was her womb). In the later patriarchal version by Hesiod, Pandora’s jar held all the curses, strife, pain, death, sickness and other afflictions. Which Pandora accidentally opened, as she was curious to know what was inside.

Now scholars know that the Genesis myth comes from more ancient creation myths from Mesopotamia, and they know of one older myth. In this creation myth the first woman was called Lilith, and in this version Adam attempted to enslave Lilith but she wouldn’t let him and left him. So god created another woman called Eve who was more docile. But even this story has many patriarchal overtones but from these two myths we can make an educated guess what was the original story was like.

The Bible was written to promote a male god, but long before the Bible was written people all over the world worshiped The Great Mother as the Creatrix of our world. The chances are that the Genesis story originated from the religion of the Great Mother and was adapted to fit in with the later religion of a male god. So if we were to go back to the original version, it would probably go like this. –

The Great Mother gave birth to the world and the first Woman Lilith. Because she was a woman Lilith was able to reproduce herself and so unlike the Adam in the Genesis story, wasn’t alone, but all her children would all be daughters, as the idea of men hadn’t been thought off then. But then what she and her daughters desired was servants or slaves, people who would fetch and carry for them and serve them in anyway they liked. So the Great Mother created the first man, Adam, as her slave and Lilith was able to reproduce more men like Adam by having sex with him. As these men were a creation of the Great Mother they were perfect slaves for Women. They enjoy nothing more than obeying, serving worshipping their mistresses and women felt very empowered by this. Then Women had a desire for freewill. They wanted to create for themselves and the Great Mother granted them this wish as well.

Women then in exercising their freewill began to interfere with the creation of the Great Mother. At first this wasn’t a problem because the Great Mother’s creation was so perfect there wasn’t much more they could do to improve on it. Then some Women began to interfere with their relationship with men and the Great Mother warned them that this was a dangerous thing to do. (This would be the forbidden fruit as mentioned in Genesis, or Hesiod’s version of Pandora’s Jar.)

Women became sorry for men, as unlike them they didn’t have any freewill and they were programmed only to obey, serve and worship Women. So Women attempted to give men the same gift of freewill as the Great Mother had given them. At first this didn’t work as men were made by the Great Mother to only be Women’s slaves. But Women decided that this was unfair and persisted in giving men more freedom, and they done this by no longer giving men orders or accepting their service. Thinking that men would learn from this, how to achieve their own freewill. Unfortunately what happened was that only a few men learnt how to gain their own freewill, the rest of them never learnt this, and this was to bring about disaster.

In patriarchal politics there is a concept known as a ‘power vacuum’. This happens when a powerful political system fails or is overthrown and nothing is put in its place. In this situation, men of violence like criminals and warlords attempt to fill the power vacuum and fight among themselves for power. So by no longer taking control over men and allowing them to do as they wish, women without realising it, created a power vacuum. Where men were looking around for someone to tell them what to do. So if Women where no longer telling them what to do, then the only other people who would do this, was other men.

A small minority of men did begin to take on their own freewill and it was to these alpha men that ordinary men turn to, to be told what to do, as they were not getting it from Women. So these alpha men found themselves in a powerful position. Not only were they now accepting there own freewill outside the control of Women, they also had a army of men who were more than willing to do their bidding.

At first Women were happy to allow these alpha men to take control over other men, as they saw this a sign that men were now learning how to take on their freewill, but what they didn’t know, was that men were not created by the Great Mother to have power over others. So when these alpha men began to assert their power over other men, they quickly began to abuse their power and badly ill-treated the men they controlled. The Women attempted to guide the alpha men to treat other men better, but these alpha men seemed incapable of understanding this. In the end, the alpha men became so drunk with power that they became extremely abusive towards other men. So that Women realised that this was a failed experiment and decided to stop it. They attempted to reassert their power over men, which at first was easy, as men are naturally obedient to Women. But the power mad alpha men having tasted this unbridled power, didn’t like it being taken away from them and fought back.

The alpha men discovered they held a trump card in their hands, which was violence. They discovered that they could use violence to intimate Women and other men, to get their own way. They soon discovered a handful of violent men could intimate and dominate a whole community. Then to ensure Women couldn’t undermine their rule these alpha men began to attack and denigrate Women. They encouraged all men under their rule to rape and use violence against Women, and force Women to take the subordinate role. By being able to use violence to demonstrate their power over Women, to ordinary submissive men, made these submissive men question their normal feelings of seeing all Women as Goddesses.

For thousands of years there was a fight between Women and alpha men for control over the vast majority of very obedient men. Although Women were able at times to reassert their power, they still had no answer to male violence. It is not natural for men to be violent, but alpha men found that by brutalising men they could be trained to become very violent. So even in communities where Women had managed to reassert their power, they discovered they were still open to conquest by violent patriarchal tribes.

Women suffered another handicap, because it was Women who went against the warning from the Great Mother and tried to give men equality. It required Women to then admit their mistake and go back to the way the Great Mother created men. Instead Women attempted to fight back against the alpha men using the same methods they used. For instance, some Women became Amazons warriors and attempted to match male violence with their own violence. Other Women attempted compromise with the alpha men, and reason with them to try and make peace with them. The alpha men would agree to these compromises and except the women’s peace deals, but then they discovered in a peaceful environment, they began to lose their power. Without the pressure of conflict, men began to go back to their old ways and worship Women once again. So the alpha men found they needed to stir things up and attack and denigrate Women to retrain their power. Other Women tried to counter patriarchal propaganda with their own form of propaganda but Women were not as devious as alpha men. In the political games of lies and deceit, Women discovered that alpha men were far better at playing this game.

In the end, patriarchy finally won, where they used propaganda was well as violence to enforce their rule. So religion was changed so people worshiped a male creator god and history was rewritten so all knowledge of the last matriarchal age was censored. (This censorship still goes on today, as Marija Gimbutas discovered when she wrote books about the last Matriarchal age. She was savagely attacked by the academic world for daring to reveal this forbidden knowledge to the general public.)

Now, I am aware that many Women will not like this explanation of how patriarchy was created, because it seems to put the blame for patriarchy onto Women. The problem is that, if we say that patriarchy is all men’s fault, then it gives men the ultimate power to impose patriarchy onto Women whenever they like, and there is nothing Women can do about this. Because in this situation, Women can only persuade men not to use force and violence against them, so men have this power to use whenever they like.

If on the other hand, if we acknowledge that Women are the natural dominant sex and men the natural submissive sex, and that Women once had the power but carelessly gave it away. Then it means that Women have the power to reclaim what they once had. If that is true, how do Women go about reclaiming their power?

Part Two. -The Return of Matriarchy

The foundation of patriarchal rule is propaganda, brainwashing and violence against women. For instance back in the 19th century in Christian countries men were still encourage to dominate and beat their wives, and they were taught it was, ‘god’s will’ that women should be subordinate to men.

Then with the rise of science, technology and atheism the power of the Christian Church was greatly undermined and the patriarchal propaganda coming from Christianity was diluted as well. The dilution of patriarchal propaganda allowed the rise of feminism and for women to demand equal rights. So that today in the 21st century women, now have equal legal rights in Western countries. Though in practice, men still have the upper hand.

As I have mentioned in previous articles, patriarchal propaganda and violence against women has acted like a hand holding a cork underwater. You can easy hold a cork underwater, but if you at any time let go, it will rise to the top. So likewise as patriarchy in Western countries are no longer actively holding Women down, they are becoming more and more empowered.

This then would suggest that Women do not have to do much, all they have to do is allowed patriarchy to continue to weaken and in time they will be restored to their rightful place, of rulers our world. The problem is that for Women to be fully empowered, they not only have to overcome patriarchal propaganda but Feminist propaganda as well.

Feminism has been a great help in empowering Women by claiming that men and Women are equal, during the 19th and most of the 20th century. But in the 21st century as many Women are now wanting to move on from equality to once again ruling society, then Feminism is becoming a hindrance. And could be a real barrier for Female empowerment in the future. As mentioned before, it was the Feminist ideals of sexual equality, in the last Matriarchal age, which allowed alpha men to gain power and get patriarchy started. So Feminism could likewise be a strong barrier for Women starting a new Matriarchal age.

Another problem with Feminism is that Feminism suggests that if Women are to be equal to men, then they have to act and behave like men. An example of this is Margaret Thatcher, whom although achieve the incredible feat of becoming the first Female Prime Minister of Britain, acted throughout her rule like a man. So we saw little of the caring and nurturing side Women, throughout her time in office.

So if it is not a good idea for Women to act and behave like men to gain power, how can they achieve this? They can only do this by accepting the way the Great Mother created men and Women. Women have to acknowledge that men are the natural submissive sex and were created by the Great Mother to be Women’s slaves.

If you want any proof that men are very, very submissive then you only have to look at the way men behave in the military. Soldiers will charge enemy lines facing near certain death through machine gun fire, simply because they have been ordered to do so. Japanese airmen in World War Two were ordered to commit suicide by crashing their plane onto enemy ships, which they obeyed without question. As Alfred, Lord Tennyson wrote in his famous poem, “The Charge of the Light Brigade” in the Crimea War about a British suicidal cavalry attack on Russian guns.

Not tho' the soldier knew
Someone had blunder'd:
Theirs not to make reply,
Theirs not to reason why,
Theirs but to do and die:
Into the valley of Death
Rode the six hundred.

The whole history of warfare is about men who will unthinkingly obey their officers, even if the officer is an idiot and his orders will result in their deaths.

Another example of just how obedient men are to authority can be seen in the building of the Great Pyramid in ancient Egypt. This pyramid consists of more that 2.3 million limestone blocks which workers has to cut out of quarries all along the Nile River. Then transport them to the pyramid site and manhandle them into position. This was done with muscle power and the use of primitive tools before the invention of iron. The fact that this Pyramid served no useful purpose whatsoever, didn’t seem to have been a problem. The Pharaoh ordered it to be made for this tomb and the men under his command, obeyed without question.

The power of patriarchy is men’s blind obedience to authority. A despotic dictator can only remain in power because he has a army of soldiers who will give him blind obedience and will beat up, kill and torture anyone who oppose the dictator’s rule. There are many cases in history of an emperor, king or dictator going mad. Like the insane Roman Emperors of Rome like Caligula and Nero who were able to rule for many years until they were finally killed. The French had many mad kings like Clovis II and his great-grandson Childeric III who was commonly called "the idiot". As Well as Charles VI, called Charles the mad. In Russia some Tars were also insane, the worse being Ivan the Terrible. In more modern times we have Robert Magabe ruler of Zimbabwe, who has clearly gone insane but is till able to cling to power in spite of the fact he is actively destroying his own country. Insane rulers like this are only able to rule for many years because of men’s blind obedience to authority. Even in a democracy, it is still men’s obedience to authority that keeps it stable. Yes, there are some men who will disobey the laws of a patriarchal society but the vast majority of men are on the whole, are very obedient to authority.

So it means for Women to rule the world, they will have to wrestle control away from alpha men, and gain control over the largely obedient ordinary men. But for this to happen, Women will have question both patriarchal and Feminist propaganda and accept they are the natural dominant sex. This is because men only obey those whom they think have authority over them. Men are unlikely to obey any Woman who acts and behaves in a subservient manner. So it becomes a catch 22, men are programmed to obey Women who are confident of their power and authority over them. But Women can only gain this confidence and acquire a air of authority, by having the experience of men obeying her without question. Fortunately there are a group of men who are more that willing to help Women gain this confidence.

There are men in the Femdom scene who claim they very much want to be dominated by Women, but I have to say the whole scene, is contaminated by patriarchal and Feminist brainwashing. Although many men today are rediscovering that they have a powerful desire to submit to Women, they generally find this desire is at odds with the way they were brought up and with the patriarchal society they live in. This is also true of the Women in the Femdom scene.

The result is that Femdom men complain there are not enough Women interested in dominating men. To the degree they have to ‘train’ Women into being dominant. Likewise Dominant Women complain that submissive men try to ‘top from the bottom’ or see Female Domination as only as a sexual fantasy. These problems are caused by trying to make Femdom work in a patriarchal society, that doesn’t in anyway support the desires of Femdom people

The result is that some Femdom men will at times follow their submissive desires but on other times try to assert themselves, as the patriarchal man, they were brought up to be. This “Jekyll and Hyde” behaviour can drive a Dominant Woman insane, because she doesn’t know from one day to the next, how he is going to behave. While other submissive men only want to express their submissive desires through sexual fantasy because they fear what would happen to them, if they were to be completely dominated by a Women, in real life. I have to say, also, it doesn’t help that many Femdom sexual fantasies are of sadistic Women acting very cruelly towards submissive men. A man believing that all Dominant Women are cruel and sadistic is unlikely to want to live with one in reality. This again is patriarchal brainwashing where people are taught that loving and caring people are ‘weak’, so it is hard for people in a patriarchal society, to believe that dominant Women can also be, loving and caring people.

Women likewise can have similar problems as many Women find it hard to believe men can be submissive. As they have been told by patriarchal propaganda that men are the ‘natural’ dominant sex. For this reason they can become very suspicious of any man who comes to them wanting to be dominated. And the way some submissive men behave, seem to confirm their worse fears. This is why men need to know that they are not kinky, perverted or mentally ill, to want to be submissive towards Women. Likewise, Women need to know there is nothing wrong with them, to want to completely dominate men.

What would greatly help people to become confident of Female Domination would be the return of the ancient religion of the Great Mother. So that people would know that God is female in nature. Once that has been established, then it is possible for men to worship Women as representatives of the Great Mother. Then both men and Women can be indoctrinated into the idea that men were created by the Great Mother to be Women’s slaves. Women can also be encouraged in their dominance by affirming sayings like, “I am She who MUST be obeyed”. Or “All men are natural submissives, because they were created by the Great Mother to be Women’s slaves.” Men likewise can use affirmations like, “I will devote by whole life to the service and worship of Women.”

Religious rituals like this can be very powerful tools to deprogram us all, so we are free from patriarchal brainwashing. And what is noticeable is just how ritualised Femdom is. Femdom men seem to very like any ritual that confirms Female dominance over them. To the degree they will pay a Dominatrix to act them out, for them. This means that these rituals are these men’s instinct desire to overcome their patriarchal brainwashing. Though many of these rituals don’t work because they have too many patriarchal influences within them. Like getting the Dominatrix to dress up in black leather, which is a very masculine form of dress. To get the Dominatrix to ritually whip or torture them which is another patriarchal method of power of using violence to dominate others. Trying to make women dress, act and behave like men, is not the best way to overcome patriarchal brainwashing.

It would be far better for men to learn to worship Women as Goddess and to learn how to obey Women. When a man joins the military, for the first few weeks he is subjected to being given orders all the time, to the degree that when he is on a parade ground, he is not allowed to move a muscle, unless he is ordered to do so. In this way a soldier is brainwashed into obeying orders without question. A man given a large numbers of orders from a woman, whom he obeys, can likewise be programmed to obey Women without question.

In this way the Femdom scene can be changed from a sexual kink or perversion into a religion. Where men can be properly trained to be submissive to all Women and Women can be also trained to have confidence in dominating men.

As mentioned before in some of my articles, men and dogs are very similar. Some people forget that a dog is a dangerous carnivores animal, and a untrained or badly trained dog, can be a dangerous animal. But a well trained dog is the most loyal and obedient animal you can ever have. The same is true for men.

All animal trainers say that in training a dog, it is vital to establish yourself as the pack leader, and this can be done simply through body language and the way you behave. Dogs are naturally programmed to be obedient to their pack leader in the same way men are naturally programmed to be obedient to Women. Providing he hasn’t been brainwashed by patriarchy to resist his natural feelings.

As mentioned at the beginning of this article, there is archaeological evidence that Women allowed men equality in the last Matriarchal age and this started a chain of events that caused the collapse of the Matriarchal, Neolithic civilizations. What Feminists fail to understand, is that equality is an alien concept to the masculine mind. Even when patriarchy tried to impose equality onto society, as in the case of Communism and Socialism, they totally failed. This is because men want to be told what to do, and if Women fail to do this, then alpha men will take over this role.

Once Women understand that men are the natural submissive sex and reject patriarchal propaganda that says otherwise, then they have to tools to wrestle control over the majority of very obedient men, from alpha men, and bring into being a new Matriarchal age.

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