Monday 20 April 2020

Gynocentric Christianity: Summing up and References

Goddess Lilith
 Summing Up

Jesus is seen as ‘meek and mild’ and taught to, “turn the other cheek”. For this reason, if every man followed the teachings of Jesus it would be a world without conflict, fear and hatred.

Patriarchy teaches men to, “stand up for themselves,” and be aggressive, competitive and even violent. This is why we live in a world of endless conflict, war and hatred.

Femdom men are stigmatized for being meek for allowing women to dominate them. Yet, if all men were like this, we would live in a far more caring and loving world.

Both Femdom men and women are scorned for being masochistic. Yet surely masochism is just another name for unconditional love?

Soldiers are considered to be extremely macho men. Yet soldiers are so obedient they will obey orders, that will result in their deaths. This suggests these macho soldiers are extremely passive and even masochistic, when obeying these orders.

The power of patriarchy comes from the fact that men will blindly obey anyone in authority over them. This is why it is possible for a small wealthy 1% to be extremely rich and powerful, while the vast majority of men are poor and powerless.

The feminine can unite through unconditional love. The masculine is not loving and can only unite under the rule of a forceful leader. So patriarchy happens when men rule other men, while matriarchy happens when women rule men.

Patriarchy rule through force, control, intimidation, violence, deception and indoctrination. Matriarchy will rule through love, compassion and nurturing.

The sacrifice of, Jesus on the cross, is a popular drama because men see themselves in his very passive behaviour. While women see a man whom they would love to live with.

Femininity is all about maternal and nurturing love, so a world rule by women will be a loving and caring world.

Masculinity is all about aggression, competition, conflict, violence and war. This is why a world ruled by men is in constant discord and chaos.

Mystics tell us that God is One mind, One spirit. Oneness comes from unconditional love which is what mothers give to their children. For this reason, God is Female.

God is One mind, One spirit and so can never be male because masculinity is all about competition, aggression, conflict, violence and chaos. So Oneness can never be achieved by a male god.

Patriarchy tells us that loving people like women are weak. Yet love is the strongest power in the universe because unconditioned love creates Oneness and the One is all powerful, omnipresent and omnipotent.

The Sisterhood is powerful, but the Sisterhood can only be powerful when women love each other in the same way they love children, animals and men.

The feminine takes us towards love, harmony and Oneness. The masculine takes us towards, individuality, separation, loneliness, fear, conflict, hatred, violence, suffering, chaos and destruction.

The human race lost its contact with the Infinite One, when it worshipped male gods because the masculine can never be One mind, One spirit. So we can regain our contact with the Infinite One when we once again worship loving female gods who are the embodiment of Oneness.

When a man worships a loving woman, he is worshipping the Infinite One as loving women are the embodiment of One in this world.

When a woman allows herself to communicate with the Feminine One through prayer or meditation. She becomes in-tune with the most powerful force in the Universe.

The Feminine One loves us all unconditionally, without exception. As Jesus said, “for (S)he maketh the sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth the rain on the just and on the unjust.” Matthew 5:45.

The masculine is not completely useless, because it brings about change, contrast, evolution and drama to our world. But a world ruled by masculine men will eventually destroy itself. This is why the masculine has to be controlled and ruled by the feminine, to prevent this happening.

The feminine likes loving sex because it takes the couple back into Oneness. The masculine likes mechanical sex based of force, intimation, bribery, humiliation, dominance and submission to try and prevent the feelings of Oneness.

The masculine wants and needs love, but only love it can control. But love is uncontrollable and takes us back to the Feminine One. 

Hindu Goddess Kali


Bachofen, J.J. - Myth: Religion And Mother Right

Gabon, W. Elinor - The Once And Future Goddess

Briffault, Robert - The Mothers

Harrison, Jane - Prolegomena To The Study Of Greek Religion

Murray, Dr Margaret - The Witch-Cult In Western Europe

Stone, Merlin - When God Was A Woman

Walker, Barbara G. - The Women’s Encyclopedia Of Myths And Secrets

Davis, Elizabeth Gould - The First Sex

Eisler, Riane - The Chalice And The Blade

Bulfinch, Thomas - Myths Of Greece And Rome

Lao Tzu - Tao-Te-Ching

Rudgeley, Richard - Lost Civilisations Of The Stone Age

Mellaart J. - Catal Huyuk: A Neolithic Town In Anatolia

Gimbutas, Marija - The Civilisation Of The Goddess - The Language of the Goddess - The Living Goddesses

Great Civilisations, The Indus (TV program)

Horizon, The Lost Pyramids Of Caral (TV progam)

Sanday, Peggy Reeves - Women At The Center: Life In A Modern Matriarchy

Abendroth, Heide Göttner - The Mosuo as a Living Matriarchal Society

Meyerowitz, Eve - The Akan Of Ghana - The Sacred State Of The Akan

Timothy Freke and Peter Gandy - The Jesus Mysteries -Jesus and The Goddess

Acharya S. - The Christ Conspiracy

Hancock, Graham -Underworld: Flooded Kingdoms Of The Ice Age

Neumann, Erich - The Great Mother

Matthews, Caitlin - Sophia

The Gnostic Gospels

New Testament

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